A collection of all my film and TV productions
Title: Peachy
December 2017
Roles: Director
Synopsis: Two siblings are surviving a post apolociptic world, their relationship tested by being hunted by Raiders and having enough food to live.

Title: Retribution
November 2016
Roles: Producer, DOP, Writer and Editor.
Synopsis: Emily a mid 20’s women takes her retribution as she takes hostage of her boyfriend’s killer Curtis. Will she fulfil her retribution?

Title: The decision
December 2015
Roles: Boom Mic operator and co editor.
Synopsis: A character force to take hold of senertive information about the company he works at and the company want it back by any means nescersary.

Title: Celebration Of Women Of The West End
Roles: Director, Co Producer and Editor
Synopsis: Recording the event of the Celebration Of Women Of The West End in London with interviews discussing what women have been through and where they have come.
Music Video
Title: "Black Cloud" by Honour In Ashes
Roles: DOP and Editor
Synopsis: Two characters performing a experimental dance expressing the horrific elements in pregantce

Title: Birdman
December 2015
Roles: Producer
Synopsis: A profile documentary exploring the life of Eddie Upton and his interest in pigeon racing.

Title: OCD
December 2015
Roles: Camera Operator
Synopsis: A profile documentary exploring the life of Lise Flintney and her OCD. Showing how OCD has affected her life.
Title: "Build a Boat"unofficial music video by
Stolen Horses
Roles: Director, producer, DOP and editor.
Synopsis: Unofficial music video for the band, But primary for Amy Chambers dance portfolio. Character dancing to the music but all shoot of her feet.

Title: "Won't last" by T Whyte
Roles: Director, producer, DOP and editor.
Synopsis: Rapper expressing the life of being watched and judged by police. The hard life being oppressed.

Title: Is It Real
December 2015
Roles: All
Synopsis: A character falling asleep and diving into his deepest fears and ophbers. Does he get out?

